Thursday, 22 December 2011

ECB Takes Out the Back-Door Bazooka! Gold May Recover

This is the year where alternatives and gold work the best. ECB today took out a bazooka worth EUR489 billion to warn speculators not to bet against Eurozone banks. This effectively is a larger amount than US Fed's QE2. It is QE a-la Eurozone!

The comical thing is ECB repeatedly said it cannot directly buy bonds from the peripheral countries. Instead it lent unlimited amounts to Europe's banks. This effectively pumps liquidity into the banking system. Any bank in Europe with any form of collateral with government guarantee can pledge it and borrow at 1%. So a European bank can buy a Spanish bond that pays 1.75% for 1 year and pledge it with ECB, borrow at a rate of 1%. Effectively the bank earns 0.75%.

I was surprised that the US stock markets fell tonight. But I believe it will soon rally at least until January 2012. Under such a scenario, I will do the following asset allocation:

30% Amundi Volatility World USD
20% DB Systematic Alpha SGD Hedged
20% Schroder Gold SGD Hedged
30% First State Global Resources SGD Hedged

My focus will be a lot on alternatives. I am still not very convinced that the stock markets will rally because the EU is in a recession and it is hard to fathom that QE, however big can push stocks up. Back in Sep 2010, stocks rallied after QE2 by the US Fed because economic data turned upwards sharply. I am still watching that space.

Below is a picture of Amundi Volatility World. It is one of the few funds that went up by 5 - 10% after May 2 2011.

CTAs like DB Systematic Alpha didn't do very well, but still it's ability to long and short prevented it to drop sharply in Aug 2011. It's still up 1 - 3% since May 2 2011.

I've been heavily buying Schroder Gold this year. It is uncorrelated with the stock market. I've drawn a comparison between Schroder Gold pink, top line, vs MSCI Asia x Japan (orange line) vs MSCI World (green line). It has outperformed equities. I am quite sure that when the new year comes and institutional investors return from their holidays, gold will resume its uptrend and hit 2000 in 2012.