Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Money Cannot Buy Happiness, But It Can Buy Freedom!

I've been back from abroad since 1996. I've spent over five years in temperate countries for my undergraduate studies. My biggest regret was not to pursue my MBA in an Ivy League back in 1997 simply because I was too poor.

I realised that although money cannot buy you happiness, it can achieve freedom. Had I have access to SGD200k at the time, I would have pursued my MBA, and probably ended up in Wall Street between 2000 - 2007. I would have made a tidy amount for myself either as a private equity partner or hedge fund manager.

My choice to remain in Singapore turned out to be not so good. I went through the Asian Crisis, Tech bubble burst, SARS, the Global Financial Crisis and now the China bubble bursting. Career wise it hasn't been kind to me.

I've had far more success as an investor than as an employee. I've grown my capital multiple times and am a millionaire several times over. Cashflow has allowed my wife to start planning to work part time and eventually quit. I intend to pursue my dreams of being a private equity manager some day, because that is what I do best.

I have been quite lucky. I had the mental fortitude to study and finish my Chartered Financial Analyst. I've applied my knowledge more effectively than others I dare say. I can choose to migrate someday where the environment and lifestyle is far less stressful, and the money no lesser. I can buy a bigger house. I am aware for many, these choices are not available. Life indeed is difficult in Singapore for the middle class. They work hard all day, and when they reach their forties, are stricken with fear that they will be retrenched some day, either by robots or cheaper and younger workers. Due to their lack of financial knowledge, they know of no other way out.

I will probably contribute increasingly to society by doing charity and social work. This is my only way to find peace and meaning in life. There are many who need to be educated like I have. This is my contribution while I remain in Singapore. The chapter will close in a couple of years.