Thursday, 5 March 2015

My FX Trading is Up 36% in 15 Months, Up 21% YTD!

I've never been an FX person. I initially started trading in 2011, luckily with a practice account, following a so-called guru's methods and I lost 20% within 1 year. In 2013 my practice account stabilised and I got zero returns. I finally formulate a model and put certain rules in place. I achieved 15% in 2014. YTD, I achieved 21%. With real money, I'm up 21% in 15 months.

If this continues for 3 more years, and I can continue to achieve around 30 - 40% returns IRR, FX trading will become my next asset class next to property which I will diversify my funds into.

My biggest position was the short EURUSD position. Absolute humongous return.