Monday, 16 May 2011

The Strategy Going Forward

I've seen many types of people in an organisation. Some people talk non stop. Some people keep very quiet, crack a few jokes occasionally. Some people just work and work without expressing themselves. Some people are very argumentative, totally uncooperative.

I've also learned to let go. To give people room to grow, allowance to make their mistakes, to find their own way. Sometimes, I'll nag very often in order to achieve an objective. From now on, I'll be more measured, more thoughtful, more observant of people's agenda. I will emphathise more, because by understanding their points of view, I'm able to make different decisions to achieve the same outcome.

I can be a bully and threaten. I can be a nice person and counsel. I can be patient and listen. I know the first option is not possible all the time because I have to win hearts and minds. But I must also be careful not to appear weak and floundering. I must be firm, fair, and driven, yet be patient and understanding.

I guess it takes a Superman to achieve somethings sometimes. But if I don't try, I'll never know, will I?

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