Saturday 20 September 2014

Challenges Facing Retail / Office Spaces

This article summarises what worried me for some time. I believe the following trends are already happening:

1. Number of shopping malls will consolidate, as internet shopping takes away more and more market share. Already, my family orders baby things, groceries, furniture online. They are around 20 - 30% cheaper. Only F&B outlets and shops that provide services, e.g. mobile phone repairs, will survive.

2. Office space demand will slow down as companies increasingly allow employees to work from home. It saves the company money. Already some banks encourage "hot desking", which is the sharing of desks.

3. Warehousing and logistics demand will increase at the expense of retail space. Online shops need an unglamorous place to store goods. Sing Post, DHL and UPS will benefit because instead of consumers travelling to malls, the goods are delivered to homes.

4. Residential homes will always be in short supply as people work at home increasingly. Houses with outdoor spaces, and in Singapore, large apartments with 1500 sf, with ample communal facilities will become rarer.

3 Trends Could Affect These Real Estate Investments

Telecommuting and online shopping are changing real estate investments.

Young women sitting on a bench outside of a shopping mall, with shopping bags.
What is the future of shopping malls and how will it affect REITs?
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Real estate investment trusts, or REITs, have been around for more than half of a century, but given fundamental changes in the national economy, you have to wonder if REITs can evolve and catch the latest trends.
REITs were first authorized under the Cigar Excise Tax Extension of 1960. In basic terms, there are equity REITs, which own large properties such as malls, office towers and apartment projects and get their money largely from rent, and mortgage REITs, which hold mortgages and mortgage-backed securities. Most REITs are equity REITs.
REITs are shareholder-owned. As with any investment, share values can rise and fall. Unlike listed companies, however, special rules apply to REITs. According to the National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts, “at least 75 percent of a REIT’s total assets must be invested in real estate; and at least 75 percent of gross income must be derived from real estate sources, such as rents from real property, interest from mortgages on real property or sales of real estate investments. REITs also must be widely held, with more than 100 shareholders and no fewer than five individuals owning more than 50 percent of their stock.”
What REITs really do is give small investors the chance to own big real estate properties, properties with economies-of-scale normally off limits to all but the rich and famous. The catch is that the traditional assumptions which power such investments are now in flux and so one has to ask: Can REITs evolve with the times?
Shopping Malls. Depending on who you ask, shopping malls are either on the way out or on the verge of a massive rebirth. In either case there will be fewer of them. According to Jeff Macke, host of Yahoo! Finance's "Breakout," and a former hedge fund manager, “a decade ago there were more than 1,100 enclosed shopping malls in the U.S. Since then, more than 400 have either been 'repurposed' or closed outright.” Macke estimates that in 20 years the number of shopping malls will be halved.
For REITs, the challenge is obvious: If malls are closed and abandoned, then where are the rents? Or, are malls closures a good thing, a chance to create new revenue streams by building town centers, community colleges, mixed-use properties and other hubs?
Online shopping. Today, online revenues represent about 6.5 percent of all retail sales, and for an example, it's hard to miss Amazon, a company which racked up nearly $75 billion in online sales in 2013. In theory, it's money that may have once have gone to malls and strip centers, money those malls certainly could have used. However, blaming the demise of shopping malls on online shopping alone is not right.
First, the real issue represented by online retailers is choice. You can go to the mall today, see and touch whatever you want, then check prices with a cell phone (a practice known as showrooming) and have items delivered to your front door – often with no charges for shipping or taxes. Or, you can simply skip the mall, save gas and avoid parking hassles by shopping online.
For REITs, the question is where the new opportunities created by online commerce can be found, an area sure to grow. For instance, if REITs can own malls then why not fulfillment centers and server farms? Maybe the property mix should be changed to include more strip centers, places where people can pick up both milk and online orders. Or perhaps the highest and best use of today's shopping centers is not as a mall at all, but as a something different, such as a mixed-use development.
Second, a bigger problem than eCommerce is the changing retail mix. Over time, many department stores have disappeared – think of Filenes, Bullock's, Thalhimer's, Strawbridge's, Hecht's, Woodward & Lothrop, I Magnin, Wanamaker, Jordan March, Marshall Field's, Daytons, Sterns, Garfinklel's and J.M Fields. These stores had enormous footprints and were crucial anchors for many malls but as they have merged or gone out of business, the necessity for such vast spaces has declined.
Even on a smaller level, the squeeze is on. Office Depot and Office Max have merged. Radio Shack is closing more than 1,000 outlets and Staples has announced plans to close 225 stores.
Mall foot traffic is down nearly 15 percent during last year's holiday shopping season, according to the research firm ShopperTrak, and you can see the results in food courts: Sbarro, the pizza chain, is closing 155 outlets while Hot Dog on a Stick filed for bankruptcy in February and was sold for $12.2 million in August. Translation: If stores close, there's less reason to go to a mall, and with less foot traffic, food courts feel the impact.
For REITs, online shopping presents a host of unknowns. It's here, it has wallop and yet it also represents potential opportunities. How can local retail outlets best harness the Internet? We don't know yet, in part because the retail arena remains in flux.
Telecommuting. There was a space for “work” and a space for “home,” but now the two are increasingly intertwined. More employees bring their work home while remote homeworkers may never see the inside of an office tower. In both cases, the idea of a 9-to-5 workday has become both quaint and outmoded: curiosities from a vanishing era.
What we know about telecommuting is that the use of traditional workspace is eroding. The United States Census Bureau tell us that in 1997, 9.2 million people out of 132 million in the workforce labored from home at least one day a week. By 2010, we had 142 million people in the workforce and 13.4 million worked from home at least some of the time.
In other words, over a period of 13 years, the workforce increased by 10 million people. Of this increase, 42 percent are not going to an office park or downtown tower on a daily basis, if at all. In fact, it's increasingly routine for remote workers to have never met co-workers or visited company offices, people and places who may be thousands of miles away.
Today's office space has a valuation of roughly $1.25 trillion nationwide, so even small changes can represent big dollar shifts. According to Tim Wang, director and head of investment research for Clarion Partners, an investment firm, in article for CoStar Group, a producer of real estate research, the ideal amount of space set aside per employee has gone from 250 square feet to 195 square feet. The implications are enormous.
First, fewer office workers also mean fewer commuters and less road wear, which is positive for many metro areas and something local governments have reason to encourage. Second, with shared space and remote workers, companies need less commercial footage.
What are office-owning REITs to do in the face of such trends? Should they transform existing structures with good locations into residential properties? Should they upgrade office spaces for greater efficiency? Could they sell off office assets and invest funds elsewhere? There's no one answer and certainly there's no universally “right” response.
In the end, REITs are tied to big real estate and big real estate is in a period of transition. It's a moment of opportunity, but what is the opportunity? Time will tell.
Peter Miller is a nationally-syndicated real estate columnist and the author of six books published originally by Harper & Row. He blogs regularly at He is also a contributor to

Why Stock Markets Won't Collapse From Now Until End 2015

1. ECB has just launched LTRO. It is lending cheap cash to banks which in turn have to lend it to SMEs. This will boost the Euro economy.

2. ECB has not finished easing yet. I reckon the central bank could engage in QE for another year as even "core European" countries are falling into a recession.

3. Europe's valuations of 17x historical is not cheap. But earnings are likely to be 15 - 30% at the inflexion point in 2014 and stabilise to 7 - 14% thereafter. I expect the stock markets can give around 10 - 20% return in 2015.

4. The US is recovering. QE is ending. we will see a long period of interest rates staying flat, until perhaps mid 2015. The most important signal by Janet Yellen is that overnight rates will end up at 1.35% end 2015. This is a 1.10% climb in interest rates. The S&P500 will grow by around 5 - 15% in 2015 because PE multiples are already at the 1 standard deviation above median mark. Anything beyond that would be a bubble and I would exit, which I haven't.

5. China is a big worry, as it tries to balance between stimulating the economy and preventing a bubble. There is a lot of infrastructure spending required in Inner China. But in coastal China, most of the infrastructure is world class. In fact, too many homes are already built. Because construction accounts for around 40% of GDP, I expect China's GDP to actually, REALLY grow by between 4 - 7%. The SHCOMP should rise by around 15 - 25%, driven by PE multiple expansion because it is 1 standard deviation below median, and earnings growth should come in at between 8 - 15%.

6. As the pace of construction slows down, Australia and other mining countries' exports will surely be hit. The AUDUSD is projected to fall to 0.85 according to RBA. I expect USDSGD to push up to 1.33. If I assume a range of 1.26 and 1.33 USDSGD, AUDSGD will range between 1.07 and 1.1305.  If I take the mid point of the range, which is 1.10, AUDSGD has another 2 - 4% to fall.

7. The bond market will not unravel in early 2015. the interest rate differentials with Eurobonds will still prevent US Treasuries from climbing to high. When ECB ends its easing, we could finally see long term rates sky rocket. Perhaps the 10-yr UST will reach 2.6 - 3.0% in mid 2015, 3.0 - 3.9% in end 2015, and 4.0 - 5.5% in 2016. The SGD bond market will start to unravel in 2H2014 as retail investors stupidly bought low yielding bonds and leveraged to the hilt.

8. Real estate in Singapore will see no respite. Some policies might be rolled back in 2015, but the plunge in rents, rise in mortgage rates will offset the positive policies.

my money is in continental European properties first, followed by US properties. London properties will start to fall slightly from 2H 2015 onwards because of higher mortgage rates. Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane will peak in end 2015 as fresh supply hits markets. Malaysia will plunge at a sharper pace than Singapore's as higher mortgage rates cause investors to dump properties.

All assets that blew to record high valuations (low yields), due to unnaturally low interest rates will start to unravel. I'm thinking real estate and investment grade bonds.

I believe disasters related to Global Warming, e.g. food supplies, water and sea levels, will hit the headlines more often from 2015 onwards.